
The sickness

I got it, bad. The all day everyday morning sickness. I've lost 5 lbs in the last week, I can't keep anything down it seems. and if it's not coming up then it's exiting quite fast out the other way. So when we go to the Dr's on Tuesday I'll be letting them know and see what they can do for me. I know it's part of the routine and lots of girls get it but this is pretty ridiculous. I don't think it's safe for me or the baby. So hopefully I can get some relief so that i can eat without vomiting. It's no fun anyway. I can't go anywhere because i can't be far from a toilet!


Holy crap!

So, wow. I don't even know what to say right now. my period was due on Sunday. It did not arrive, but I've been late before because i've misjudged my o time. Today we decided to test. BFP!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! totally nerve racking but exciting. So, i called the R.E. to let them know and they sent me for a blood test to confirm. We just got the results back and my HCG level is at 2509. !!!!!! let me give you some perpestive. normal levels for a single baby at 17dpo is 291. The dr said either i conceived earlier than i think or i have more than 1 baby in there.. HOLY CRAP! We knew that was a high possibility and are pretty mentally prepared for that, but i'm still needing to breathe about it now that it's a strong possibility. so i go in next week for my first ultrasound and hopefully news stays good!

Update: we had our first ultrasound and there is only one little baby in there. My numbers are just really high.