

I almost forgot to mention this. I started acupuncture 2 weeks ago. After the first treatment I was already starting to feel differences. Now I'm going for fertility reasons, it's supposed to help boost fertility and help boost your percentage for a successful IUI or IVF treatment. At this point it can't hurt I don't think. I've noticed that my headaches have basically gone away. I used to get headaches everyday. I'm on a anti seizure med that i take every night that is supposed to help reduce migraines, which it has, but i was still getting pretty bad "normal" headaches. I also noticed less back pain. For a while now I've been getting pretty bad lower back pain for whatever reason. It would just feel really tight and uncomfy in the mornings.
The acupuncture guy also gave me some herbal supplements but after the first dose I just about threw up my insides and then proceeded to get a nasty little migraine. So i don't take those and when i informed him of this he said to stop taking them then. Which I already did. I'll just stick with the little needles poking my skin, thank you very much.
My second session was the other day and so far so good, nothing new to report, so hopefully it's getting my body in balance and upping my fertility a bit.

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