
family histories, vag cams and earthquakes, oh my!-1st R.E. appointment

So in preparation for our first appointment I had to fill out about 30 pages of medical history. Holy crap, that's a lot of info. I called my mom to ask some questions that i wasn't sure on and she was just not funny at all. When asked if anyone in our family had fertility issues she just started laughing. Now, I already knew this to be true, everyone in my family gets pregnant or gets their significant others pregnant just by thinking about it. My Uncle and his wife had issues but i believe that was a problem of hers not his. I spoke with my gramma on my dad's side also. My aunt had like 1 and 1/2 of her tubes removed and told that she will probably never get pregnant. Guess what happened the next month after her surgery! She was pregnant. My gramma was told she would have a hard time getting pregnant due to her titlted uterus, she said to me "After the 5th kid I asked when it was going to start getting hard!" A simple no issues here honey, would have been fine. But I guess it's good to know all the details.
There were also no issues on J's side of the family either. So we are basically the only fertile rejects in our families. Nice.
We had some preliminary testing done prior to our appoint in October of 2008. That was a year after we had initially started trying. Some blood tests which came back fine and I had an HSG done. That's a pleasant little procedure where you go into an x-ray room and the dr puts a catheter through your cervix into your uterus and injects dye. Yes it's as fun as it sounds! It's to make sure there is no blockages in your tubes. I was free and clear. The dr however forgot to deflate the little balloon thing on the tube and just yanked it right out.. It was not comfortable in the least bit. J had submitted some of his semen for analysis also and everything came back good as well. So his good swimmers and my good eggs were just having some issues connecting I was told. We did one cycle of Clomid and according to the accomponiying blood tests it worked great! But still did nothing by way of helping us get pregnant. So we decided to wait until this summer to take the next step.

Our dr, Dr H, is wonderful! We really like her. She's a fast talker and answered all our questions to our liking. She did an internal exam with the dildo cam to make sure that all my woman bits were present and accounted for and to check out my ute, blood vessels and lining for herself. She liked what she saw, except that my uterus is on the small side. Which apparently she said is no big deal because it's going to stretch anyway. And she was talking about polka dots on my ovaries or something. Anyway, she said 13 is a good average number on both sides and I have about 10 on each side. But she still didn't think that was an issue. She just simply thinks that for whatever reason our sperm and egg don't like combining. So she ordered more blood tests and then we'll have out first IUI in August.
After our appointment with her we were sitting in a waiting area for the IUI coordinator to get all our paperwork ready for us when we had an earthquake. It wasn't big, just a 3.7, but we had to evacuate the building just in case. Hopefully that's not a sign of how this journey is going to go..
So as of now we know that our only problem is that J's sperms and my eggs hate each other. More details when the blood tests start coming back!

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